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You've Got To Follow This Beginner's Guide To Your Marathon Training To Ace That Race

By Yamini Taneja

Updated - May 9, 20248 min read

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So you want to conquer that 26.2 miles? Having such a big dream and aspiration is itself an achievement. Participating in the big event of the marathon is a courageous task plus an honor too. As only a few get a chance to reach to that position. So, if you want to be the winner then many steps need to cross, many pebbles and thorns are waiting on your way. At the time of difficulties just remind yourself with the word Marathon that will surely boost up your energy. As, the word Marathon comes with energy, motivation, and success. Now, your focus is clear but you might be confused about how to reach the final ladder of success. Don’t Worry! We have got your back! As we are up with your Beginner’s Guide To The Marathon Training.

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Training Tips

1. Good Nutrition should be a major highlight in your training. Only the integration of all the essential vitamins and minerals can support your body to be fit for the Marathon.

2. Include interval training once per week because it helps in boosting strength and speed.

3. Experiment with your gels and gummies during your long run to figure out what tastes better and suits you the best.

4. Rely only on carbs and proteins for your 30 minutes of workout. It is quite effective because after every long run it replenishes your glycogen stores and prevents muscle fatigue during your next run.

5. Last but not the least concentrate on each training session as it will make you focused towards your goal.

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What To Eat At The Different Level Of Running

What you eat or drink before, after and in between the race can also make or break your race. So, one should be careful about what they are eating or drinking.

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Before The Run:

You need to consume high-carbs, a low-fiber meal at least two to three hours before the race. As this interval will give your body full chances of digestion that decrease the chances of mid-run stomach issues or bloating. If you are running in the morning, then eat your meal at least before an hour. Consume about 50 grams of carbs and add a little protein which will help in sustaining your energy levels.


During The Run:

Carbohydrates will only go well in your training sessions. The runner should trust on 30 to 60 grams of carbs per hour of the exercise. You can absorb the right amount of carbs from sports drinks, one to two energy gels or energy chews. Otherwise, in real food, the quarter cup of raisins or two tablespoons of honey provide the right amount of carbs which will energize at the time of your run. Experiment with all these carbs in advance to find out which is more suitable for your body need and then you have a proper estimate that what you need on your final day.

After The Run:

Eat immediately within 30 to 60 mins after your run as it helps to speed your body recovery. Carbs help in restocking the glycogen and proteins works in repairing the microscopic damage to your muscles. In case of a run below 60 mins then go for a light snack but if you had a run longer than exceeds 60 mins then blindly go for a recovery meal containing 15 to 25 grams of proteins and 50 to 75 grams of carbs.


Common Things To Note:


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1. Be sensible in choosing the right pair of running shoes.

2. Prefer softer grounds like trails which can function easier with your joints.

3. Remember the yoga stretching that is what needed here. Just do stretching before and after your training session. You can include stretching in the middle whenever you feel tired. As it can act as a boost up to your energy.


Breakfast Tips:

A good breakfast meal is an omelet with veggies and feta cheese complementing two slices of whole-wheat toast and a fruit smoothie. For lunch, a turkey sandwich topped with extra veggies on a hearty whole-grain roll along with a bowl of lentil soup will fit the bill. Talking about the dinner meal, try grilled salmon or flank steak along with sweet potato, sautéed spinach, and fresh berries for dessert.


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The Do’s And Don’t

1. Train Yourself For 6 Months or More

You don’t need to wait blindly for your 16 weeks marathon training to start. As you can work on building your core and adjusting your body for that long runs. This would help in giving you extra time to your practice. The individual practice plus marathon training can only escalate you on top. If you miss out on any of these factors then the chances of you leading the race could be less.


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2. Find a Good Training Partner

Pick on your best reliable friend for your training. As such things keep you motivated and inspired. Running miles with your training partner will make your work easy. The golden thing will be they won’t let you distract from your agenda and keep on reminding about your goals. If you will have a training partner you will notice that it’s good to have someone who is there in your ups and downs of your struggle.

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3. Say Bye-Bye To Your Earphones

By this, we mean avoid listening to music while your training session. As music was, is and always be the second name for distraction. Then also, you will stick to your music, then you will inherit the habit of songs heard on your mind with your feet running miles. But at the time of the marathon, you will find it difficult as you can’t follow this habit there. That will lead you to an uncomfortable zone which might result in you failing in Marathon.


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4. Have A Strict Control On Your Diet

Make your diet with the help of a professional. As they will guide you according to your body. Just follow the diet strictly. If you will have proper intake of nutrients regularly then forget that your body will cheat on your Marathon Day.
healthy diet_plan

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5. Don’t Focus Only On Long Run

Doing long runs daily will be very much tiring. So, plan out a smart training session which includes running 3 times a week with long runs on the weekend. Make sure you are following up with other protracted runs during your plan but an extremely long run that gives a kick-start to your session.


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Tips To Prevent From Injuries:

1. Focus more on increasing distance before you increase your speed.

2. Lift weights will be your savior in preventing all injuries and maintain strength.

3. Be sensible in choosing a right pair of running shoes.

4. Prefer softer grounds like trails which can function easier with your joints.

5. Remember the yoga stretching that is what needed here. Just do stretching before and after your training session. You can include stretching in the middle whenever you feel tired. As it can act as a boost up to your energy.
Pre Marathon Stretching

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Final Day Tips

1. Rely on your family friends or friends for giving you the electrolyte in a disposable water bottle throughout out the race. As it way better than getting stuck in water stations.

2. If it’s cold then stick to the old sweatshirts that you can throw after warming up.

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3. Trust the pacer for your run as it will simply prevent you from peeping at your watch or overthinking about pace. 

4. Just carry confidence, focused and never giving up attitude at the Marathon Day. Because they are the secret mantras of winning a race. 



See You At The #RACE!



Q. Are There Minimum Age Requirements to Run a Marathon?
Most marathons have age requirements, and the minimum age is typically 16 or 18 years old.


Q. Is there any medical condition or fitness certificate required to participate in the Marathon?
A. To run any Marathon race in India, you need to have a medical certificate signed by a doctor to say that you’re medically fit to take part. This includes 5Ks, 10Ks, half, full and ultra marathons.