The negative effects of regular junk consumption coupled with our mostly sedentary lifestyles, tend to compound over time, and eventually strike when we least expect it. So, one minute you're 20 and eating a burger for all three meals of the day, and the next minute you're 24 and desperately downing kale smoothies. But the truth is, no matter how intense your eventual realisation about the importance of taking good care of your body is, your unhealthy past habits have, in all likelihood, already done a number on your physical health. Simply put, by the time you decide to take your body seriously, it might stop extending you the same courtesy.
Sound familiar? If you answered in affirmative, we know what might help you break the chain of unhealthy diets, unsuccessful fitness regimes, and resultant guilt and frustration. What your body might need right now, is a thorough cleansing programme to flush out toxins and harmful junk. What your body needs, is a dedicated detox programme, that will rejuvenate it from the inside out. Interested? Here's your 5-day detox plan for reviving your physical health and fitness.
*Note* - Abrupt and extreme dietary changes may end up having an adverse impact on your physical health, and worsen it further. If you do decide to give detox a shot, remember to ease into your new meal plans, first allowing your body to adjust.

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5-Day Detox Plan
Day 1
After Waking Up
1 glass of warm water with a fresh slice of lemon
1 glass of fresh vegetable juice. You can choose from nutrient-rich green vegetables like celery, kale, or spinach. Throw in food naturally abundant in fibre like chia seeds, or carrots for an extra dose of health. Avoid eating anything else for breakfast, but in case of unbearable hunger pangs, you can snack on a fruit or a bowl of porridge oats or muesli. Fruit juices aren't recommended due to their high sugar content.
An antioxidant-rich salad. Throw in either raw or steamed nutritious vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, red peppers or avocadoes. You can add boiled chicken for a protein boost. Avoid cheese, or salad dressings rich in fat.
A steaming bowl of vegetable or chicken stew.
45 Mins After Dinner
1 cup of green tea

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Day 2
After Waking Up
1 glass of warm water with a fresh slice of lemon
1 glass of fresh vegetable juice. Choose from the same options as day 1, but blend in 1 tablespoon of chia seeds as well.
Lightly cooked (not fried in oil) or steamed vegetables, with quinoa or tofu. You can also opt for other equally healthy alternatives like a light rainbow salad, brown rice with mildly sauteed vegetables, or a whole grain bread sandwich.
A steaming bowl of vegetable or chicken stew.
45 Mins After Dinner
1 cup of green tea
Day 3
After Waking Up
1 glass of warm water with a fresh slice of lemon
A bowl of fresh-cut fruits with plain yoghurt or a bowl of muesli with plain yoghurt
Tomato, bean and grilled Tuna salad, or a bowl of raw vegetable salad
A bowl of beetroot soup, or raw papaya salad
45 Mins After Dinner
1 cup of green tea

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Day 4
After Waking Up
1 glass of warm water with a fresh slice of lemon
A pomegranate smoothie with blended chia seeds
Lightly cooked (not fried in oil) or steamed vegetables, with quinoa or tofu. You can also opt for other equally healthy alternatives like a light rainbow salad, brown rice with mildly sauteed vegetables, or a whole grain bread sandwich.
A bowl of chicken and vegetable stew, or lentil and vegetable stew
45 Mins After Dinner
1 cup of green tea
Day 5
After Waking Up
1 glass of warm water with a fresh slice of lemon
3-4 cut raw fruits or a bowl of muesli with sunflower seeds and honey
Chickpea and spinach salad
Carrot soup with turmeric and ginger or a lemon chicken stew
45 Mins After Dinner
1 cup of green tea

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Important Points To Remember While Detoxing
- If you wish to detox, a few changes in your diet won't suffice. Your overall lifestyle has to reflect your detoxing attempt. In other words, cut out harmful substances not just from your meals, but your everyday life. This includes alcohol, cigarettes, carbonated drinks, red meat, processed oils and sugary treats
- Hydration is one of the key factors that will determine your detox results. Remember to drink plenty of water to further aid your body in flushing out toxins
- Get plenty of rest for the best results. Also, include light exercises in your routine to keep your body moving
- Keep your meals simple and basic, and remember to include plenty of fibre in your diet. Swap everything processed with whole fruits and vegetables
- Listen to your body. Stop the detox when or if it asks you to. There's no definite right way to detox, and if the above detox plan is far from satisfying your usual calorie intake, don't be afraid to add to your meals. That being said, whatever you add should be rich in soluble fibre and nutrients, like the rest of the meal plan or the detox process stands defeated
Some Healthy Any-Time Detox Snacks To Satiate Cravings
- Trail mix
- Greek yoghurt with berries
- Sliced avocado or grapefruit
- Green apple slices with almond butter
- Granola bars
Dive into detox, and jump-start a healthier life.