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8 Fun Activities for Rainy Season: Beat the Monsoon Blues with magicpin!

By magicpin

Updated - May 9, 202413 min read

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The rainy season is often accompanied by gray skies and indoor confinements, but that doesn't mean your days have to be dull and dreary. Embrace the raindrops and turn the gloomy weather into a fun-filled experience!


magicpin presents a list of 10 exciting activities that will inject joy and enthusiasm into your rainy days. Whether you prefer staying indoors or venturing outside, there's something for everyone. Let's dive into the world of rainy-day adventures!



Indoor Movie Marathon:


Grab a bowl of popcorn, cozy up on the couch, and indulge in a movie marathon. Pick your favorite genre or explore new releases to make your rainy day movie session extra special.


Movies you can watch: 

  • Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Marathon: Marvel fans, assemble! Gather your friends and embark on an epic journey through the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Start from Iron Man and watch the entire series in chronological order, experiencing the thrilling superhero saga unfold before your eyes.
  • Harry Potter Movie Marathon: Step into the enchanting world of wizardry and magic with a Harry Potter movie marathon. Relive the adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they navigate Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Grab your wands, don your house scarves, and immerse yourself in the captivating wizarding universe.
  • Animated Movie Marathon: Let your inner child run wild with an animated movie marathon. Dive into a world of colorful characters and imaginative storytelling with beloved animated films like Toy Story, Finding Nemo, The Lion King, and Frozen. Rediscover the magic of these animated masterpieces and let your imagination soar.




Cook and Bake:


Rainy days provide the perfect opportunity to experiment with new recipes. Whip up comfort food like soups, stews, and warm desserts. Get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the delicious results!


Recipes you can try: 

  • Decadent Chocolate Lava Cake: Satisfy your sweet tooth with a rich and gooey chocolate lava cake. Biting into the warm cake reveals a molten chocolate center that oozes out, creating a delightful sensation. Serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for the perfect rainy-day dessert.
  • Hearty Vegetable Stew: A bowl of hearty vegetable stew is the ideal dish to keep you warm and nourished on a rainy day. Packed with a medley of vegetables, aromatic herbs, and flavorful broth, this stew is both comforting and nutritious. Serve it with crusty bread for a satisfying meal.
  • Fluffy Pancakes with Maple Syrup: Start your rainy day off right with a stack of fluffy pancakes drizzled with sweet maple syrup. These pancakes are light, fluffy, and utterly delicious. Add your favorite toppings like fresh berries or crispy bacon to take them to the next level of scrumptiousness.




Board Games and Card Games:


Gather your family or friends for a lively game session. Dust off your board games or shuffle a deck of cards for hours of laughter and friendly competition. Unleash your inner strategist!


Favorites Games: 

  • Scrabble: Challenge your vocabulary skills with this classic word game. Strategically place letter tiles on the board to form words and score points. Play against friends or family for a fun-filled rainy-day competition.
  • Monopoly: Monopoly is a classic board game that brings friends and family together for hours of strategic fun. Buy properties, collect rent, and build an empire as you navigate the game board. With a mix of luck, negotiation, and clever decision-making, Monopoly has become a timeless favorite for game nights worldwide.
  • UNO: Gather your friends or family and engage in a fast-paced, color-matching card game. Be the first to get rid of all your cards by matching numbers, colors, and special action cards. UNO is easy to learn and guarantees hours of laughter and friendly competition.




Read a Book:


There's nothing quite like losing yourself in the pages of a captivating book on a rainy day. Create a cozy reading nook, sip on a cup of tea, and let your imagination soar.


Books you can read: 

  • "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho: This international bestseller is a timeless tale of self-discovery and following one's dreams. Join Santiago on his journey through the deserts of Egypt as he seeks his own personal legend, encountering wisdom, love, and life-changing experiences along the way.
  • "Educated" by Tara Westover: This captivating memoir takes readers on a remarkable journey of resilience and determination. Tara Westover grew up in the mountains of Idaho, isolated from the outside world. Despite her lack of formal education, she embarks on a quest for knowledge that ultimately leads her to Harvard and Cambridge University.
  • "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Set in the 1920s, this American classic explores the themes of love, wealth, and the pursuit of the American Dream. Follow the enigmatic Jay Gatsby and his lavish parties as narrator Nick Carraway unravels the truths and illusions of the roaring twenties. Fitzgerald's lyrical prose and vivid characters make this a must-read.




Indoor Treasure Hunt:


Create an exciting treasure hunt adventure within the confines of your home. Hide clues, create riddles, and let the participants embark on a thrilling quest to uncover hidden treasures.


Adventures you can try: 

Indoor Treasure Hunt 1: "The Secret Code Adventure"

  • Create a series of clues that lead participants from one location to another within your home. For example, the first clue could be hidden under a pillow, leading to the kitchen.
  • In the kitchen, leave a clue that directs participants to the living room. Hide it near a bookshelf, for instance.
  • In the living room, leave another clue that leads to the bathroom. Hide it inside a decorative vase or near the television.
  • In the bathroom, leave a clue that guides participants to the final destination, which could be the bedroom. Conceal it inside a drawer or under a pillow.
  • In the bedroom, participants will find the ultimate prize, such as a small treasure chest filled with goodies or a gift voucher to their favorite store.


Indoor Treasure Hunt 2: "The Missing Artifact Mystery"

  • Set up a storyline for the treasure hunt: an ancient artifact has gone missing, and participants must follow a trail of clues to recover it.
  • Create a series of clues that lead participants from one room to another, gradually getting closer to the missing artifact. Each clue should provide a hint about the next location.
  • Use riddles, puzzles, or wordplay to make the clues more challenging and engaging. For example, a clue could be hidden inside a book with a specific page number mentioned.
  • Incorporate household items or decorations that match the theme of the treasure hunt. For instance, if the artifact has a connection to pirates, decorate clues with pirate symbols or use a pirate-themed language.
  • The final clue should lead participants to the hidden artifact, which could be a replica or a creative representation. Consider adding a surprise element, such as a sound effect or a dramatic reveal, to enhance the excitement.



Indoor Treasure Hunt 3: "The Time Travel Adventure"

  • Design a treasure hunt that takes participants on a journey through different eras of history. Each clue should lead to a room or object associated with a particular time period.
  • Start with a clue that transports participants to the medieval era. Hide it near a suit of armor or a medieval-themed decoration.
  • The clue in the medieval-themed room should lead to the next time period, such as the Renaissance. Hide it near a painting or a replica of a famous Renaissance artwork.
  • Continue the journey through time, visiting periods like Ancient Egypt, the Wild West, or the Roaring Twenties. Adjust the clues and decorations accordingly.
  • Finally, the last clue should bring participants back to the present day, leading them to the treasure or prize waiting for them. It could be a themed gift basket or a certificate declaring them the ultimate time-traveling champions.



DIY Arts and Crafts:


Get your creative juices flowing with do-it-yourself arts and crafts projects. Paint, draw, sculpt, or make jewelry. Explore your artistic side and unleash your imagination.


Here, you can try these crafts: 

Paper Quilling Greeting Cards:

Materials needed: Colorful paper strips, glue, blank greeting cards, quilling tool (or toothpick)


  • Choose the colors and designs for your greeting card. Cut the paper strips into desired lengths.
  • Take a paper strip and roll it tightly using a quilling tool or toothpick. Release the rolled strip, and it will form a coil shape.
  • Glue the end of the strip to secure the coil shape.
  • Create various shapes such as teardrops, hearts, or spirals using different colored paper strips and gluing them together.
  • Arrange and glue the quilled shapes onto the blank greeting card, creating a unique and personalized design.
  • Add any additional decorations or messages using markers or pens.
  • Allow the card to dry completely before giving it to someone special.


Mason Jar Candle Holders:

Materials needed: Mason jars, acrylic paint, paintbrushes, decorative ribbon or twine, tea light candles


  • Clean and dry the Mason jars thoroughly.
  • Choose your desired colors of acrylic paint. Pour a small amount of paint into each jar.
  • Slowly rotate the jars to coat the inside with the paint, ensuring even coverage. You can mix colors or create an ombre effect for a more vibrant look.
  • Once the inside of the jar is fully coated, turn the jar upside down on a protected surface and let any excess paint drip out. Leave it to dry completely.
  • Once dry, tie a decorative ribbon or twine around the neck of the jar to add a finishing touch.
  • Place a tea light candle inside the jar and light it up. The colorful interior will create a beautiful glow, perfect for cozy evenings or as a centerpiece.



Upcycled Magazine Coasters:

Materials needed: Old magazines, scissors, glue, clear adhesive contact paper, cork or felt sheets


  • Gather colorful pages from old magazines.
  • Cut the magazine pages into squares or circles of equal size, around 4-5 inches in diameter.
  • Arrange the magazine cut-outs in a pattern or color scheme of your choice.
  • Apply a thin layer of glue to the back of each cut-out and stick them onto a piece of cork or felt sheet.
  • Once all the magazine cut-outs are glued down and dry, trim the edges of the cork or felt to match the shape of the coasters.
  • Cut a piece of clear adhesive contact paper slightly larger than the coaster and carefully place it on top, pressing down to seal and protect the magazine cut-outs.
  • Trim any excess contact paper from the edges.
  • Repeat the process for as many coasters as you desire, creating a vibrant and unique set.
  • Allow the coasters to set and then they are ready to use. Enjoy your upcycled and eco-friendly coasters while sipping your favorite beverages.



Indoor Fitness Workout:


Rainy days shouldn't deter you from staying active. Engage in a home workout session with online fitness videos or follow along with a fitness app. Stay fit while enjoying the pitter-patter of raindrops.


Trainings you can try: 

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT workouts are excellent for rainy days when you want to get your heart rate up and break a sweat. Create a circuit of bodyweight exercises like burpees, jump squats, mountain climbers, and plank variations. 
  • Yoga or Pilates: Rainy days provide the perfect opportunity to focus on flexibility, strength, and mindfulness through yoga or Pilates. Roll out your mat, follow along with online tutorials or apps, and engage in a series of poses and movements that promote balance, core stability, and overall well-being. 
  • Dance Cardio: Turn your living room into a dance floor and let loose with a high-energy dance cardio session. Put on your favorite upbeat music, follow along with dance routines or freestyle, and burn calories while having a blast. 




Try a New Indoor Hobby:


Always wanted to learn a musical instrument, paint, or try your hand at pottery? Rainy days offer the perfect excuse to dive into a new hobby and discover hidden talents.


Hobbies you can opt for: 

  • Learn to Play an Instrument: Use your rainy days as an opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. Whether it's a guitar, piano, or violin, there are plenty of online tutorials and resources available to help you get started. Discover the joy of creating beautiful melodies right from the comfort of your home.
  • Embark on a Writing Journey: If you have a way with words, why not try your hand at writing? Start a journal, pen down your thoughts and ideas, or explore different genres like poetry or short stories. Writing can be a therapeutic and fulfilling hobby, allowing you to express yourself creatively.
  • Dive into the World of Painting: Unleash your inner artist and explore the vibrant world of painting. Acrylics, watercolors, or oil paints—choose your preferred medium and let your imagination flow onto the canvas. Experiment with different techniques and create beautiful works of art that reflect your unique perspective.




With these 8 exciting activities, you can transform gloomy weather into a source of fun and memorable experiences. So, embrace the raindrops, stay inspired, and make the most of the delightful monsoon season.