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LOL With These 10-Minute YouTube Standup Acts

By Trishi Dhingra

Updated - May 9, 20244 min read

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I am not going to state the obvious by reminding you with everything that's been going on lately. But mopping around the house or fretting about it on social media or news channels won't help. It's important that we take all the precautionary measures but it's only healthy to sit back and unwind for a bit or two.

And what better way to lighten up the air than by laughing on these awesome sauce standup acts that you might have missed out last time you were obsessing about YouTube and comedy in one breath. 


Before I share my finds let me make it clear, each video is timed around 10 minutes or so. Keeping it short, crisp and funny!



1. Kenny Sebastian's Why Jet Airways Failed

With a wacky sense of humour and sketchy voice modulation, this guy knows exactly how to turn the little chuckles at the beginning of the joke to waves of laughter at the punchline. This set right here is absolute fun to watch and disturbingly relatable if you have a travel history with Jet airways and Indigo airline. In any case, your laughs are confirmed!


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2. Anubhav Singh Bassi's Cheating

Either Bassi hit a jack-pot in college (friends vice) or he has a natural knack for comedy. This hysterical lawyer will take you to the peak of his joke and leave you there, laughing, gasping for air. And that perpetual expression of cracking up at his own bizarre incidents really helps him connect with the audience and not just in the studio. This video will give you major laugh snorts and it won't stop anytime soon. 


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3. Manik Mahna's Classmate

His name might not be the first in celebrated comedians of India but he'll be the first one you'd be sharing after you have laughed on all our recommendations. The insanity of his jokes takes off after two and a half minute into the video and post that, you will never know what hit you. I was nearly choking with laughter and tears by the time Manik arrived at the climax of his piece. Don't believe me? Check him out yourself!


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4. Devesh Dixit's The Big Bhaang Story

When I say this video is seriously funny, I really mean it with all my laughs. As the title suggests, you are in for one absurd nonsensical episode of Devesh and His Friends Try Bhaang For The First Time. He is capable of coming out with some next-level humour in the style of his joke delivery. When you click on the video, all you will see is a chilled out guy sitting on the stool with a rather kickass story to share. Believe you me, you won't regret this!


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5. Abhishek Upmanyu's Take On Marriage And Indian English

Heavy sarcasm served with hysteric punchlines in every 10 seconds is Upmanyu's USP. You will see yourself in every joke he cracks because his content is just that relatable. It was difficult for me to pick out just one video from this guy's collection but I chose this for two reasons; first, it is fairly recent so you can see his transformation from a slender hippy to a sturdy good looking man and second the content is fresh and ditzy, just as you guys like it.


Watch the video


No more searching, now your daily dose of laughter is just a click away!


And feel free to hit us with more funny content on YouTube on the comments section below.