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10 Skincare Tips By A Dermatologist For Humid Weather

By Dr Harsimran Kaur

Updated - May 9, 20244 min read

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Fight that humidity! 

Only a few hours out of the safety of your home and your skin already seems tired, dull and bothersome? YOU feel sweaty and sticky...and so Y0U look disinterested and under-confident! Yes, humidity is unwelcome, yet, unavoidable companion of those who live in the tropics. Though a close, bosom friend of the dry or sensitive skin gang, excess humidity is always a hassle for many.

Do not worry.  Here are a few skincare tips to not only battle that sticky environment but also to use it to your advantage. Sounds unbelievable? Believe me, it is easy and possible. 


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1. Clean, Clean Again, Clean The Right Way

While our oil glands are in rapid-fire mode during humid weather, it’s essential to clean our face at least 2-3 times a day. Ideally use an oil control, salicylic based facewash at night and alternate it with a soap-free PH neutral cleanser in the day. Surely this will clear off excess oil, dirt and grime and also prevent the skin from turning dry due to excessive washing. 

Oily skin is conducive to bacteria, zits and rashes. Use disposable, anti-bacterial wet wipes instead of fingers or towels to wipe off that excess sweat.

Told you it is EASY!


2. Not Just Clean, It Is Essential To Deep Clean

Especially if you are worried about your pores and that glistening T zone. Use a soft, mild scrub to exfoliate twice a week. Invest in skin treatments like microdermabrasion or superficial chemical peels for a clean, smooth matt look.


3. Tone Down, Tone It Down

Humidity triggers oily secretions that clog and dilate your pores making it easy for dirt and heavy makeup to enter and cause breakouts. Toners not only help in minimising pore size and essentially closing the pores after cleansing, but also help  in soothing and calming the irritated skin.


4. Humid Is Sunny And Tanny Too 

Sunscreens are a must, surely a must, irrespective of season and environment. Opt for aqueous gel or gel sunscreens if you don’t want an embarrassing white liquid trickling down with sweat.


5. Nourish And Replenish

With all the stickiness, you may not realise, that the skin is losing water and getting dehydrated. Use lightweight moisturisers, preferably at night. Look for the word “non-comedogenic” on the pack to make sure it won’t clog the pores. You may even store the moisturiser pack in refrigerator for an additional cooling effect. In addition to fluids, watermelons, litchis, cucumbers, musk melons can help to hydrate and restore the system. 


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6. Refresh and Spray

Face mist can go a long way in mattifying and soothing irritated skin. It is not just fancy, fragrant water but also an easy quick fix to restore humectant and moisturising factors in your skin for a fresh look. Already feeling fresh?


7. Conceal Correctly 

Opt for lightweight powder-based makeup instead of heavy creams and foundations. Calamine lotion is a good substitute to tinted creams.


8. Pampering Always Helps

Charcoal packs are the new “IN” thing to fix humidity issues. They absorb excess oil and dirt, paving the way to a brighter looking skin. Choose between a clay or an oil-based version depending on your skin type.


9. Shoo Away The Stink

Bathe twice a day and opt for loose cotton fabrics. Use dusting powders on skin folds to avoid bad odour and friction rashes. You may even add an aluminium chloride lotion to sweaty areas after consulting your dermatologist.


10. Let Your Feet Breathe

Choose open footwear and avoid wearing socks for long hours to prevent moist, macerated toes and smelly feet. Sun dry your shoes and don’t repeat the same pair every day.

I promised you it is EASY and POSSIBLE. And so it is.

About The Author 

Dr Harsimran Kaur

Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

New Delhi

Reach Out @