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Around The World Through An Hour - Waste To Wonder Park In New Delhi

By Trishi Dhingra

Updated - May 9, 20244 min read

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Let's not waste thousands of dollars on travelling across the planet just to hold the pointy end of that Eiffel Tower or push back the crooked piece of wonder called The Leaning Tower of Pisa! You can do all of this right here in D-Town. Yes, you heard it right! A special theme park called Waste To Wonder is spotted in Delhi where the life-like replicas of The Seven Wonder of the World are built from scrap (like literally!).

Waste To Wonder

Image Courtesy: Telegrafi


Waste To Wonder park is a part of Waste-To-Art Project taken up by SDMC (South Delhi Municipal Corporation) in association with some celebrated artist from across the country.


The monuments are actually built from tonnes of metal and rubber waste which was previously filling up the land for no good reason.


And let us also enlighten you with the fact that the entire lighting you see around the park is from the stored sunlight, or what we call renewable energy. Neat isn't it? 



But first things first!


Where to find Waste To Wonder?

The park is situated on the ground that used to be a landfill ground. 


Sarai Kale Khan, near ISBT, New Delhi 


How to reach: You can get down at Sarai Kale Khan Bus Stop or you can simply walk from Nizammudin Metro Station (pink line).


Entry Scenes!

You have to buy a ticket to watch these cutesy little seven wonder. 


Children 3-18 years: INR 25


Adults (18 years & above): INR 50E

You can buy your ticket at the venue or even book them online.



Waste To Wonder Park is open from 11 AM till 11 PM.

It is closed on Mondays and other National Holidays.



What To Expect?

Follow us as we explore the park step by step!


1. The Eiffel Tower

This structure is 70 feet tall and the entire thing is made from 40 tonnes of automobile waste. Cool right? 

Image Courtesy: Tripoto


2. Statue of Liberty

Ever been to New York? If not you can take your Statue of Liberty pictures right here in Delhi. The structure is made out of old pipes, metal railings and waste parts of two-wheelers. 

Image Courtesy: Twitter


3. Taj Mahal

The pride of the Indian Heritage, The Taj Mahal has been the world's favourite tourist spot for many years. Now you cannot compete with the actual monument but we hear the replica made in this park is pretty impressive too. There are a mini fountain and a stream to give you guys a feel of River Yamuna and it looks amazing at night. 

Image Courtesy: Rove Studios


4. Pyramid of Giza

Don't worry there are no dummy mummies buried in them, just a very conical pyramid made out of scrap metal pipes worth talking about.

Image Courtesy: India Today


5. Colosseum of Rome

In reality, it was a gift to ancient Roman citizens. And the replica of the Colosseum is indefinitely a gift to us. The arches alone are made up of 410 car wheels and all the fascinating illumination is actually the result of stored solar energy? Amazing! Isn't it?

Image Courtesy: Edtimes


6. Leaning Tower of Pisa

To recreate such an angle must have been difficult for these artists. But man! They did an excellent job. 

Image Courtesy: Google Hindustan


7. Christ - The Redeemer of Brazil

Lastly, you do need the blessing of an Almighty Redeemer! This particular statue is made from disposed-off bike chains and park benches. 

Image Courtesy: Infosot


Take in the beauty of this super-amazing Waste To Wonder park in Delhi with friends and family.