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5 Women's Health Products From &Me That Will Make Life Simpler!

By Somdutta Mazumder

Updated - May 9, 20246 min read

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Far too often, the people around us are quick to convey in so many words, that the solution to problems like severe period cramps, irregular cycles, skin concerns caused by hormonal imbalances, and the dreaded feelings of PMS is to......quietly cope. The unique health issues that come with the territory of being a woman, are seldom paid careful attention to, unless of course, they worsen to become something major. Till that happens, the general attitude is, all of it is natural and thus, something we need to put up with. 


Well, we just came across a brand, that's trying really hard to question this negligence towards women's health concerns. This brand has curated an assortment of products, that help women lead pain-free, trouble-free lives. &Me is India's 1st women's health brand and has taken the responsibility of addressing AND solving, problems most of us as women face in silence, regularly. Women's bodies are made a tad differently, our unique hormonal cycles pave the way for unique nutritional needs. &Me understands that and as a brand, strives to meet those needs. Their range of bioactive beverages, and nutritious snacks, are intended to aid women with difficult experiences, like bloating, cramps, turbulent mood swings, breakouts caused by hormonal imbalance, nausea and back pain, just to name a few. 


We've listed our 5 favourite products by &Me, that more than deliver on the promise of improved nourishment and women's health. If you find yourself suffering in silence due to feminine health issues, it's time to say no more, with these 5 &Me products. 


1. &Me Happy Period Drink



8 Pack At INR 599 (1 Bottle = 200 ml)


Why We Recommend It 

While some of us are lucky enough to have uncomplicated periods, a lot of us have to endure excessive cramps, lower back pain, uncomfortable bloating and a host of other issues ranging from unpleasant to excruciating. Popping a pill isn't a great solution given the plethora of possible side-effects. This natural period pain relief drink by &Me on the other hand, brings holistic solutions to difficult period symptoms. The herbal nutrition-rich drink reduces your cramps considerably, increases your energy levels, and uplifts your mood, without any side effects whatsoever. 


Image Courtesy - &Me


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2. &Me Period Chocolates



4 Pack at INR 772 (1 Pack = 6 Bites)


Why We Recommend It 

If there's one specific time of the month, when pangs of random cravings strike us the most, its when we are menstruating. The hormonal changes also cause our general mood to go for a toss, and crying ensues at the drop of a hat. If that sounds all too familiar, you need this No Sugar Dark Chocolate for periods by &Me in your life. Unlike other unhealthy options, this snack brings a number of relieving benefits, from improved mood to enhanced energy, and from heightening in nutrition levels to a reduction in cravings. Also, chocolate. 


Image Courtesy - &Me


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3. &Me PCOS PCOD Tea


4 Pack at INR 1,160 (1 Box = 15 Tea Bags) 


Why We Recommend It 

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), also known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is a condition related to hormonal imbalance that affects around 5 to 10% of women across the age group of 12 to 45 years. This medical disorder leads to several irksome disturbances from highly irregular periods to pelvic ache and severe acne breakouts. The PCOS green tea by &Me is a unique blend of 14 micronutrients and 5 Ayurvedic herbs, that help stabilise hormones, and relieve associated concerns. The powerful ingredients make for a miracle product for any woman suffering from the physical and psychological struggles that come with PCOS. 


Image Courtesy - &Me


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4. &Me Collagen Builder Drink For Glowing Skin



8 Pack at INR 599 (1 Bottle = 200 ml) 


Why We Recommend It 

If your skin has been badly affected by reasons like thrown off hormones, pollution exposure or lack of nutrition, this is the product you are lacking in your everyday diet. Brimming with the goodness of 5 Ayurvedic herbs like Neem, this drink helps your skin detox and return to its natural health. The plentiful vitamins and minerals in this beverage also accelerate the production of collagen, improve blood circulation and boost the production of fresh skin cells. This leads to healthier, glowing skin that's free from acne, blemishes, dark spots and dullness. 


Image Courtesy - &Me


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5. &Me Women's Wellness Protein Mix



3 Pack at INR 2,699 (1 Box = 9 Daily Packs) 


Why We Recommend It 

Owing to busy schedules and multiple life roles, most of us women don't get our nutrition needs met adequately. This is a holistic protein mix by &Me, that will solve that. This plant-based mix is brimming with protein, essential vitamins and minerals as well as amino acids, that will bring multiple nutrition benefits to your body and mind, including boosted immunity, balanced hormones, increased stamina, relief from stress, and help in managing weight. This is a comprehensive wellness solution all of us need for robust health. 


Image Courtesy - &Me


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