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8 Key Factors To Keep In Mind Before Writing Your First Blog Post

By Sonam Satija

Updated - May 9, 20244 min read

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If you've got the right content writing format in your mind then nothing can stop you from writing an awesome blog post.


1. Research

Think of a niche, keep in mind what you want your audience to read. Do your research as to what kind of articles would interest your audience to make your blog go viral. Think of captivating titles and blog ideas which makes the blog a clickable bait. It's always important to give the audience something either relatable or out of the box which engages their curiosity. Check out several top websites related to your product or blog to know what's trending.



2. Follow SEO Guidelines

Once you've decided on your blog title, remember that's not all as to make the article rank on google one needs to follow the correct SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) Guidelines. Find a keyword which has more volume and less difficulty to rank better. There are several websites which help you find the right keyword to get to work and search for an appropriate keyword with a high volume and less keyword difficulty to make your article engage more audience.



3. Focus On Readability

Once you've picked up the right set of keywords then it's time to start writing the main content of your blog. You'll come across a different set of headings - remember to use them in order. Don't jumble up the order of headlines. Heading 1 goes for the main heading and Heading 2 is used for subheadings and we use "Paragraph" for general text under any headings. It's always important to follow the order in order to bring out a well-written text.



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4. Importance Of Pictures

Nobody likes a basic written text. Add images - explain your article better with images, remember visuals always play an important role and makes any basic article interesting even when they are hardly 200-300 words. Get a friend or a mate who knows how to make graphics ideate a banner for you. Banner of any blog makes a huge difference as that's the first look that one gets when they see an article. The banner/cover picture and the title plays one of the most crucial roles when writing a blog.



5. Highlight The Important Content

Remember to highlight the important content in between the write up to get through your audience easily. Make them read what you actually want them to read in between the blog. Not every paragraph would be important at times, it's you to decide what to highlight as bold and make your audience catch it right when they see it.



6. Give Importance To Meta Description

After Title and Banner, Meta description has its own importance. Make sure you talk directly about what exactly is present in the article. As the meta description has a very brief yet to the point description of what the audience will get inside the main content. So write your meta description wisely and don't forget to add the keywords in it.



7. Interlinking

Got any important old blogs or links which will help the reader to know more? Add them! Interlink them in between the blog after writing a couple of paragraphs or may be at the end of the blog. One can always underline or bold the interlinking URLs to make the reader pay attention to it.

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8. Add FAQs

To engage your readers furthers it's always good to add FAQs - write a blog which answers almost every essential query of the reader. Think of the questions which strike you while writing the blog - add them to the FAQs because your readers will be mostly wondering about the same.