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10 Best Dunkin' Donuts Classic Flavors with Price List

By Aniket

Updated - June 25, 20245 min read

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Dunkin' Donuts has long been a go-to destination for donut enthusiasts. With a wide array of flavors, each promising a delightful experience, it's no wonder that Dunkin' has maintained its popularity worldwide. In India, Dunkin' Donuts has made its mark with classic and innovative flavors alike. Whether you're a fan of sweet treats or looking for something more nuanced, this guide will help you navigate through the 10 best Dunkin' Donuts flavors you absolutely must try.


Dunkin' Donuts offers a fantastic range of flavors that cater to every palate. From the rich and indulgent to the light and airy, there’s a donut for everyone. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a first-time visitor, these 10 flavors are must-tries on your next visit. Remember, each bite is a step into a world of delightful sweetness that only Dunkin' can provide. Enjoy your donut journey!


here is a list of classic flavours of Dunkin Donuts


1. Chocolate-Glazed Cake Donut

Price: ₹90



This indulgent treat combines the richness of chocolate with the dense, moist texture of a cake donut. The chocolate glaze adds a glossy, sweet finish that elevates the donut to a whole new level of deliciousness. Perfect for chocolate lovers, this donut pairs beautifully with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.



2. Glazed Donut

Price: ₹75



A true classic, the Glazed Donut is a staple in Dunkin’s lineup. It features a light, fluffy texture with a perfect coating of sugary glaze. This donut is simple yet satisfying, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate the traditional flavors. Its balance of sweetness and airiness makes it a perennial favorite.


3. Cruller

Price: ₹85



With its distinctive twisted shape, the Cruller offers a unique texture that is both airy and slightly chewy. This donut is lightly sweetened and has a delicate, melt-in-your-mouth quality. It’s often compared to a funnel cake in terms of flavor and texture, making it a delightful option for those who enjoy a bit of variety in their donuts.



4. Sour Cream Donut

Price: ₹80



Don’t let the name fool you; the Sour Cream Donut is a delightful surprise. The addition of sour cream creates a moist, dense donut with a slightly tangy flavor that balances the sweetness of the glaze. Its unique texture and taste make it a standout choice among the more traditional offerings.


5. Powdered Sugar Donut

Price: ₹75



The Powdered Sugar Donut is a nostalgic treat that evokes memories of simpler times. It’s generously dusted with powdered sugar, providing a sweet and slightly messy eating experience. This donut is perfect for those who love a classic, straightforward flavor with a sugary kick.


6. Old-Fashioned Donut

Price: ₹70



For those who appreciate a no-frills, traditional donut, the Old-Fashioned Donut is the way to go. It has a slightly crispy exterior with a soft, cakey interior that’s perfect for dunking in coffee. Its subtle sweetness and hearty texture make it a timeless favorite that’s hard to beat.



7. Chocolate-Frosted Donut

Price: ₹90



This donut features a rich chocolate frosting that adds a burst of flavor to every bite. The sprinkles on top add a fun, festive touch, making it as visually appealing as it is delicious. It’s a crowd-pleaser that’s sure to satisfy your chocolate cravings.


8. Coconut Donut

Price: ₹85



The Coconut Donut offers a tropical twist on the traditional donut. It’s coated with a generous layer of shredded coconut that adds texture and a hint of exotic flavor. This donut is perfect for coconut lovers and those looking for something a little different from the usual options.



9. Boston Kreme Pie Donut

Price: ₹95



Inspired by the classic Boston cream pie, this donut is filled with creamy custard and topped with a rich chocolate glaze. The combination of smooth custard and chocolate makes for a decadent treat that’s hard to resist. It’s an excellent choice for those who enjoy filled donuts with a luxurious twist.


10. Vanilla-Frosted Donut

Price: ₹85



Rounding out our list is the Vanilla-Frosted Donut, which features a vibrant and colorful topping that makes it a visual delight. The vanilla frosting adds a creamy, sweet flavor that complements the soft, fluffy donut base. It’s a great option for those who prefer a lighter, yet still satisfying treat.



Tips for Enjoying Your Dunkin' Donuts

Pair with a Beverage: Donuts are best enjoyed with a hot cup of coffee or tea. Dunkin' offers a variety of beverages that perfectly complement their donut flavors.


Share with Friends: Donuts are a great treat to share with friends and family. Buy a mixed dozen to try a variety of flavors and find your favorites.


Enjoy Fresh: While Dunkin' Donuts are delicious at any time, they’re best enjoyed fresh. Visit your nearest Dunkin' store in the morning to get the freshest donuts available.


Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to try different combinations. Pairing different donut flavors can lead to new and exciting taste experiences.


Take Advantage of Offers: Dunkin' frequently has promotions and offers. Keep an eye out for deals to get the best value for your money.




Dunkin' Donuts