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5 Hacks To Cope With Coronavirus Stress

By Trishi Dhingra

Updated - May 9, 20244 min read

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Staying home while trying to maintain social distancing can be tough for those of us used to being surrounded by friends and colleagues. In addition to the worry about the spread of the notorious coronavirus, we now have to contend with the stress of being cut off from the rest of the world.


But while we wait for this global health crisis situation to wane, here are a few handy tips to cope with the stress, anxiety, and feelings of disconnectedness during these trying times!


1. Put Together Your Home Spa Kit

As long as we’re being warned to stay indoors and limit physical contact, it’s unlikely that any of us will be able to keep our appointments at the salon. That doesn’t mean we need to forgo our beauty TLC altogether. Now that you have all this time at hand, it’s time to pamper yourself right at home and make the most of this situation. Here’s a carefully curated list of a few home spa essentials to get you started:


Hair mask: Invest in a good quality hair mask suitable for your hair type. Being stressed directly impacts hormones, which can lead to hair fall and breakage. Show your locks some love with a nourishing mask. You can even put it on while preparing that pesky project report! 

Face wash: Now that we’re being advised to wash our hands and face frequently to prevent the spread of the virus, might as well use a face wash that best suits your skin. My skin loves neem and tulsi purifying face washes, like the one by Khadi Essentials

Eye mask: If coronavirus is giving you sleepless nights, make sure you use a soothing eye mask to give your peepers some relief and to avoid dark circles and baggy eyes! 

Facial oils: Just because you’re not stepping out doesn’t mean you don’t need to make efforts to nourish your skin. In fact, now is the best time to hydrate and replenish your skin with its lost nutrition with essential oils.

Home spa

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2. Make Time To Exercise

Nothing chases the blues away like a rush of endorphins. And the easiest way to get them? Working up a good sweat with a round of exercise! Making time to work out will not only help you manage stress but will help you stay fit even as we all wait for our gyms to reopen and fitness classes to restart! Set aside 30 mins of your day and try these simple exercises at home. Squats, push-ups, crunches, planks, leg raise, step-ups (racing up and down a step). 10 reps of 20 each, twice a day. To know more click here


Image Courtesy: Pinterest


3. Set Up A Comfy Work Station

Since most of us are going to be working out of home for the foreseeable future, it’s time to set up a comfortable, calming work station. Your surroundings have a direct impact on your mood, after all.

My recommendation is to drag your work table to the brightest, airiest corner of the house (preferably one near a window overlooking some plant or tree), fix a lamp on it, and add a scented candle and plant to it to give it some character. A cluttered desk leads to a cluttered mind, so don’t pile too many things on it. I’ve also added a comfy, soft cushion to my chair to keep the back cramps at bay. For more innovative ideas to do up your makeshift workstation, click here.

Comfy home station

Image Courtesy: Pinterest


4. Detox

This is the perfect time to do that juice cleanse and detox you’ve been promising yourself for as long as you can remember! Use this break well. Drink green tea, ginger tea, lemon tea and so on. It will help with your immunity, relieve the stress, and give your system a much-needed detox.

Green tea

Image Courtesy: Pinterest


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5. Keep Calm And Cook!

Cooking can be pretty therapeutic during stressful times. Take your mind off coronavirus. Find a grocer close to you, get your ingredients home-delivered, and brush up on your signature dish! 

Cook at home

Image Courtesy: Pinterest


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Remember, worrying will only add on to the stress. Keep calm, stay informed, and practise safe social distancing. This too shall pass!