Food & Beverages
Ghibli-Style Indian Food: 10 Iconic Dishes with Japanese Names & Their Fame
Discover 10 famous Indian foods in Ghibli-style images, their Japanese names & why they’re loved across India!
Life is simple! And yet somehow it's more complicated than the toughest maze. One day you're happy and laughing hard at a silly joke, and the next day you're sad and crying your eyes out over a silly fight. There's no pattern to it. Sometimes life hits us down where it hurts the most and you know what... that's okay. The only thing constant about life is... it will keep changing. And with it our moods. It's a comforting thought to live by. Well, not as comforting as the concept of lifting up the mood with only food.
Now, you're no stranger to comfort food but there a few healthy ones right in your pantry that are scientifically proven to improve the mood. It's not a ruse, it's a fact. Let me explain that in detail in the form of a list of 8 healthy food enough to boost your mood.
Banana is rich in both sugar and fibre. Now, that might not sound so impressive now but wait till you read the science behind it. You see, this combination of sugar & fibre allows the sugar in it to be released slowly in the bloodstream and as a result, stabilizing the blood sugar level along with better mood control. In the same way, banana is also abundant in vitamin B6 which helps in the production of feel-good neurotransmitters such as dopamine & serotonin. And you don't have to be a doctor to understand that they lift up your trodden spirits. This is not it. We all know, a happy gut directly puts our body into a better mood. And since banana contains a fibre called prebiotics that helps feed the healthy bacteria in the gut, we can all expect our mood lifted after consuming a hearty banana.
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Nuts and seeds like almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower seeds and so on are known to be stacked with plant-based proteins, healthy fats and a lot of fibre content. All of which provides tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for producing mood-boosting serotonin in the body. Ergo, a better mood. There's even a study which indicates that the moderate intake of nuts lowers the risk of depression by 23%. What more can you ask from food?
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Ladies are no stranger to chocolates. We usually depend on it when we're down in the dumps (pun intended!). And now I've found a reason as to why it helps. Firstly, sugar is known to instantly improve our mood. Secondly, chocolates release a cascade of feel-good compounds such as caffeine and theobromine that directly affects our mood. Lastly... and this one is a biggie. Chocolates are high in health-promoting flavonoids which increases blood flow to the brain, reduce inflammation and boost brain health. And all of this directly supports mood regulation. Now, if I were you, I'd pick dark chocolates instead of milk to avoid gaining weight from all the sugar and fat in it.
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Aiming for good spirits? Here's another food that will help you achieve that. Oats just like other whole grains such as muesli, granola, etc. are an excellent source of fibre. This helps in slow digestion of carbohydrates which results in the gradual release of sugar into the bloodstream. This stabilizes your energy levels making sure that your mood levels are also regulated. Furthermore, oats are also rich in iron. Since deficiency of this particular mineral causes Anemia whose symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness and mood disorder. With an abundance of iron in your body due to oats will help you improve the mood on gloomy days.
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It's a known fact that adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables results in lowered chances of depression. Now, berries are stacked with antioxidants and anthocyanins which helps manage inflammation associated with depression and other mood disorder. Also, there's a study which shows that a diet rich in anthocyanins lowers the risk of symptoms of depression by 39%. Hope this makes you berry happy!
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Coffee is making the world a happy place for ages. And it's not just a coincidence, there's science involved. The caffeine in the coffee is known to release mood-boosting neurotransmitters such as dopamine which makes it easier to lift our mood when down. What's even better is coffee not only has caffeine to boost the mood, there are many other compounds that have a similar effect on our brain.
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Yoghurt is one of the tastiest probiotics which is best known for their role in digestive health. And it's no news that a happy gut means a happy mood. So, after I connect all the dots for you, it is concluded into a well-recognised fact that yoghurt has altering effects on depressional symptoms.
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Omega-3 fatty acids are linked with lowering the levels of depression. They contribute towards the fluidity of your brain's cell membranes and play key roles in its development and cell signalling. And since fish is rich in omega-3, it instantly affects the mood and avoids symptoms of depression.
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When the world seems glim, turn over to the most dependable gift of nature, food. Look for the ones on the list and say bye! bye! to a bad mood.