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Here's How You Snowball Christmas Vibes At Workplace Like The Elves On A Job

By Trishi Dhingra

Updated - May 9, 202410 min read

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Has the corporate life somehow made you grinch over festive vibes like Uncle Scrooge (Yes, the old guy who hated Christmas)? If you are nodding your head, this blog might give you some great ideas to kick-off Christmas holiday with good spirits & a happy heart at the workplace. 


We'll spare you the known fact that you spend a big chunk of your life in the office and it isn't such a bad idea to put on a festive hat once a year to celebrate baby Jesus. Now that we've involved God and pre-festive spirits into the matter you are holy-fied to apply them in your office this Christmas. 


1. Office Potluck Lunch/Dinner

Make this idea one of the reasons to enjoy Christmas this year. This is the most personal way to celebrate the occasion because this is where each of your colleague, including yourself are supposed to bring a home-cooked (little more in quantity) dish or meal in the office and connect on a culinary level. Set up a big table & if need be, use your conference table (This might be the best use of that godforsaken table) to deck all the dishes. Voila! You've earned yourself a Christmas buffet. 

Office potluck

Image Courtesy: Glassdoor


2. Karaoke Session With Managers

Why Managers you ask? You, likeminded pasty folks, have already exceeded the limit of hanging out with each other in all the parties but now is the time to get a little too vocal with your managers or supervisors or whoever senior you just couldn't approach during the year. This act right here would be out-of-the-books fun & you won't regret it at all. Just remember it's holiday season guys, just let go off all the sturdy office energy and just SING. Again if you want to go out for this session you can but how good it would be to do it right there in your office. A projector, few microphones and a whole lot of participation & you've got yourself an amazing time at the office. 

Karaoke Night

Image Courtesy: Twitter


3. Desk Contest

This one is simple, tingle and so much fun if you are into aesthetical pleasures of life. Now, imagine going to snow-capped mountains, the giant Christmas tree you spotted in Seattle, the red & white humans jingling away their worries over wine and some more merlot. This is your fairyland and if your pocket size does not allow a lavish holiday such as this just bring all your thoughts, sticky notes, trinkets, bells, stars on your office desk. Now don't forget to make it a contest so that you can take home some joy of winning along with an x-mas gift from the HR. 

Desk Contest

Image Courtesy: Glassdoor


4. Santa's Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt in the office is the most fun you can have in an enclosed area. You can make it a little bit more interesting by making it all about Christmas ornaments. Do you see where we are going with this? So divide your office peeps into the group of 4 or 5 and set up some well-written & punny riddles which will lead them to a specific Christmas tree ornament. Keep the Bethlehem star for the last and whoever finds that first, wins. Trust us, it would be so much fun with your office colleagues. 

Scavenger Hunt

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia


5. Wine Tasting Party

This is the classiest & the most bouge idea of all. Wine is this season's delicacy and you got to include this bottle of fruity-drunkness in your fun time at the office. You can all pool in to get some different wines and just sit together with some cheese & crackers along with a table of conversations which you can swirl, sip & take it all in. Ahh! It's going to be so good.

Wine tasting party

Image Courtesy: The Art Of Wine


6. Ugly Holiday Sweater Day

No Christmas sweater in the history of Christmas sweaters is adorable, & if you do have a cute one, are you even celebrating Xmas right? So you have to set aside a day for ugly holiday sweaters. May it have all the reds & green you can think of, may it have reindeer just jumping out of it or better the bells & snow just pouring out of the outfit because hello! it's a 3D thing now. And the best part of this day would be witnessing so much ugliness in one room in the perkiest way possible.

Ugly sweater

Image Courtesy: Glassdoor


7. Annual Whimsical Award Ceremony

Here's what you gonna do; Setup a stage (not literally) in the most open area of your office, brainstorm on the funniest award/titles you can think of (For eg: The Last Minute, The Loud Speaker, The Caffeinated One & so on), assign each of these to a single human who matches all the criteria of that title, ask all your colleagues to gather around, let the HR or any senior member distribute the applicable title/award. Simple? So it would be just like any other award ceremony but better!!

Award in office

Image Courtesy: Engrave-awards



8. Secret Santa 

For us pop cultured Indians, it's the trendiest thing on the market and we say, do it. This tradition right here brings everyone closer by an inch. So this festival season, if you get a chance to be someone's secret Santa in your office, however unknown that human is to you, be thoughtful & gift them something that Santa himself might have dropped into their chimneys. If you don't know how this works, let us give you a brief description; a week prior to the Eve, each employee gets to pick a chit with another colleague's name on it and the former has to buy a present for the latter on C-day. Now the surprise lies in the fact that the person in that chit doesn't know who is their secret Santa and this is what they have to guess after they've unwrapped the present. 

Secret Santa

Image Courtesy: Small joys TV


9. Secret Santa: Compliment Edition

Now, this is the same thing as secret Santa but instead of materialistic presents, you can actually gift your Secret Santee a compliment. All you have to do is leave a note on that person's table secretly & wait for them to realize it's you. Well if this isn't the most charming & merry-ful gesture, then we don't know what is!!

Secret santa: compliment edition

Image Courtesy: The Hokey Pokey Project-wordpress


10. X-mas Tree Decorations Obviously

Nothing says Merry Christmas than a well-decorated, Trinkle-filled, star-studded & jingle-belled Xmas Tree in the office. You will catch the holiday season fever just by looking at it. Imagine what would happen if you also decorated it (*Christmas chills*). The most feasible way of doing this is by asking all the colleagues to contribute some ornaments for the tree. 

Christmas tree

Image Courtesy: Pinterest


11. Christmas Movie Marathon

Remember the projector system that comes out every now and then for some meeting or presentations or international calls? Now is the time to give that old piece of machinery some merry time in the office. Set aside a few hours to screen a popular Christmas movie right there in your office where everybody can scooch in & spend some quality Christmas time. You can always get an idea from our blog about the Best Christmas Movies To Watch With Your Peeps. 

Christmas movies

Image Courtesy: Glamour


12. X-Mas Eve Lunch/Dinner

As long as there is merrymaking meal, the laughter of your supervisors/managers & a sack full of Christmas vibes, it will be a good omen lunch/dinner party. And what better way to end a year full of deadlines, sweat, numbers, hard work & a whole bunch of corporate-ness than an amazing meal with your on job friends. You owe it to yourself guys. Come on!!

Christmas eve lunch/dinner

Image Courtesy: Gauthaman


13. Bingo Game Night

You can pick out any other game but this one right here has the room for a good amount of people & can be made super fun if you play it by the books which nobody reads, which means you can cheat all you want. Anyway, there can be a small award for the winner. Since you are doing it for the first time, why not make it an annual thing. 

Bingo Game

Image Courtesy: Mitchell photo


14. A Christmastide Photo Booth

Photo Booths never go out of style. Whatever may be the event & if it's Christmas, just fix the guests with some festive props like Santa's beard, quirky season catchphrases, frosty sleigh or just a Christmas prompt like this one, & your party is a hit. The same could be the case for your office. We understand this time of the year might be the merriest but it's so darn cold and you need an incentive to go to work, well this might be the one. 

Photo Booth

Image Courtesy: 1mondoreal


15. Donation Drive

In the midst of all the merry-go-round fun in your office don't forget the less fortunate ones. Initiate a donation drive where people can give their bit in the form of clothes, toys, books & love. All though there are many tingles, Mozeltov's, trinkets, wines, candies & cookies around the world. But there is also snow, frost & a hell lot of chilly winds. So why not offer some warmth & kindness to the people who are facing the harshness of this season. 

Donation Drive

Image Courtesy: Colleges-fenway


You know we've saved the best for the last; A Five Day Vacation till New year's splash on our faces!!

Now don't blame us if your leaves aren't sanctioned by your superiors because hey! We are just giving you ideas.


If you take any of our ideas to your office, believe us, you are going to be Frosty The Snow Man or better Santa Claus of the office (not literally guys). Also, don't forget to take the help of your close colleague or elves to make this Christmas a hit. And if none of this has ever happened in your work life may it be your best and the most memorable Firstmas.


So from the team of magicpin

Feliz Navidad chicos!!





Q. Where can we buy Christmas decor stuff for office decorations?

A. You can always look for it into the nearby stationery stores. Or you can refer to the following blogs:


Q. How can we decorate our office for Christmas?

A. First things first, don't forget a Christmas tree and for the other ideas click here  


Q. What are the best movies to watch during the Christmas Movie Marathon in the office?

A. The classics always work with the audience. To know more, click here