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No Company? No Problem! Low-Key Alternatives To Parties For A Solo NYE 2020

By Somdutta Mazumder

Updated - May 9, 20249 min read

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Let's face it, getting hammered beyond recognition and passing out on the host's toilet floor every New Year's Eve gets real old real fast. Besides, in addition to renewed hope for a more sorted life, every last day of the year brings with it, soul-crushing pressure to have an NYE celebration baller enough to induce envy in all your Insta followers! 


Well, whether it's an outcome of fate or a product of personal choice, spending New Year's Eve alone can be daunting enough to crack the toughest of nuts. But this NYE 2020, we urge you to ring in the New Year with a person you've rejoiced with every past year of your life, YOU! If you are tired of attending over-hyped NYE parties that inevitably result in memory gaps, embarrassing stories and agonising hangovers, commit to a solo NYE 2020 party by carving out some me-time from your busy schedule! 


"But what will I even do alone on New Year's Eve?" If this is the question running through your mind right now, we have the perfect solution for you. Keep scrolling to discover some low-key, rejuvenating things you can do for an NYE 2020 Celebration with you by your side!


1. Put On Those Headphones and Have A Dance Party! 

If you can't make it to the party, then why not bring the party to your bedroom this NYE 2020? A party you don't need to awkwardly stand in the corner of, trying to oblige your friends with some slight movement and a sheepish smile. Get a hold of your favourite headphones, earphones or speakers, blast some banging dance music, and groove like nobody's watching, because nobody is! 


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2. Give Yourself A Spa Treatment At Home!

You know what comes with NYE? The end of the month. And you know what invariably come with month ends? Depleting bank accounts! So if you can't afford to take yourself out for an exorbitantly priced self-care session at a fancy spa this NYE 2020, opt to indulge in a treat yourself session instead! Now is the time to stock up on all those self-care beauty products you've been debating buying for weeks! 


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3. Give Your Room A Makeover! 

Okay, I know what this sounds like. And I also know you aren't a 14-year-old girl, but hear me out okay? Your room is more than just a place you crash at every night. It is the immediate environment you surround yourself with! So it is highly likely that its condition will have some impact on the condition of your mind. Okay pseudoscience aside, if you have a knack for being crafty, DIY projects are always fun! Bonus? Instagram #2020bedroomgoals pictures! 


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4. Fuzzy Sweater, Hot Chocolate, Nostalgic Netflix Show

This NYE 2020, we urge you to escape into a magical, cosy, comforting universe! Now while teleporting to a warm, golden-hued cafe in Switzerland may not exactly be feasible (if it was, why would you be reading this?), constructing your own little haven is a possibility you should seriously entertain! Wrap yourself in the snuggest of knitwear, whip up some steaming hot chocolate and settle in with the comfort food equivalent of a Netflix show! 


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5. Prepare A List Of The Best Things The Past Year Brought Along

If there is an essential activity you must engage in on the last day of the week, it has to comprise of reflecting on the year just gone by. But instead of dwelling on the negative occurrences, why not focus on the all the joys 2019 brought along? Maybe you discovered your new favourite band. Or your best friend got engaged. Perhaps your father got promoted. Whatever it is, spend NYE 2020 reminiscing about all the little things that brightened up your life this past year!


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6. Discover A New Page-Turner!

Once we enter the world of adulthood, every year comprises of half-finished To Be Read lists and partially fulfilled reading NYE resolutions. But if reading is a hobby you will always treasure, why not spend NYE 2020 flipping through the pages of a soul-satisfying book that keeps you on the edge of the seat all night? If you are waiting for inspiration to strike, check out this list of 30 must-reads! 


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7. Icecream + Midnight Stroll Around The Neighbourhood 

Now I'm not talking about a high-risk all-night adventure, but taking a leisurely stroll around your society, street or neighbourhood is certainly an activity you should consider taking part in this NYE 2020! As this past decade lives out its last few moments, and the cold January air gets denser, get out of your house, stretch those legs and revel in the little things of beauty around the place you call home!


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8. Listen To A Spotify Playlist From A Genre Outside Your Comfort Zone! 

We get it, when it comes to music, sticking to your preferences is all too tempting. But this NYE 2020, let's remind ourselves that while the comfort zone is an immensely pleasant place, exciting things rarely occur there! Always wondered how some people can be into metal? Why not figure it out for yourself! EDM always seemed too loud for your taste? Luckily, there are different hues in every genre! 


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9. Cook Yourself An NYE Dinner 

If food is where your calling is, who'd be better at satisfying your tastebuds than you, yourself? Making an effort is always a gesture of love, so let us implore you to extend that courtesy to yourself come NYE 2020! Devote some serious time to prepping a grocery shopping list, pick out all your favourite ingredients, and whip together a dish of reassuring goodness! 


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10. Treat Yo' Self With Online Shopping 

New year, new you, new wardrobe? If there is one night you should spend re-defining yourself, it is NYE 2020 when a fresh start, is just a few hours away! Hipster, grunge, alternative or trendy, whatever subcategory of fashion you want to express yourself with in the upcoming year, find an online shopping website with a style that matches your needs and get splurging on NYE 2020! 


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11. Create A New Year New Me Diet Chart 

The journey from flab to fab is a challenging but exciting one, and we suggest you make up your mind to traverse this path this NYE 2020! Stop ignoring your body screaming, "not a burger again!!!" and pay close attention to what it needs. This NYE 2020, pledge to finally venture into the world of a healthy lifestyle but planning a New Year's 2020 diet chart! Need some guidance? Check out this beginner's guide to all things fitness! 


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12. Go For A Solo Drive Around Town 

If it's too cold outside for an unhurried stroll, take your beloved car for an NYE 2020 spin instead! You don't have to set out on a journey to distant lands, neither do you have to stick to the by lanes around your house. In fact, we'd recommend heading out without a specific agenda, and sail where your heart takes you!  


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13. Write A Thank You E-Mail For An Old Teacher 

Every year as an adult marks an increase in the distance between us and our precious childhood days. And there really isn't much we can do about it except for giving into those pangs of nostalgia every now and then and reminiscing about all that has been so far! Some of the key people who shape those golden years are our school teachers, so this NYE 2020 dial the digits of an old teacher and thank them for carving you into the beautiful person you are now! 


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14. Call Up Your Ex And Let Bygones Be Bygones

As the year rounds up to a final point of culmination, it's time to let go of all the unnecessary baggage you've been holding onto the entire past year. And that includes releasing all the resentment you've been harbouring for your ex! This NYE 2020, at the stroke of midnight, give your good old ex a call, forgive them for their mistakes, recognise that they're human too and tell them you're moving on! 


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15. Record A Spending NYE Alone Vlog 

Okay, so spending NYE 2020 by yourself might make you feel slightly out of sorts but we have some great news! If there is a fact that rings truer than ever, it's that you're not in this alone! There are others like yourself, who don't have the company of anybody but themselves on the night of New Year's! So this NYE 2020, help them out while also entertaining yourself, by creating a Vlog on your experience of spending NYE 2020 alone! 


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16. Just Sleep, Yaar


If all else fails, snuggle under the covers and hibernate NYE 2020 away! 

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So now that we have officially provided you with an inventory of all the things you can do on NYE 2020 if you are by yourself, cancelling those plans to that party you didn't really want to attend anyway, just got way more feasible! We suggest you stock up on all the supplies you need, and spend NYE 2020 lost in your own little cocoon! Happy 2020!