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5 Ways You Are Being Irresponsible On Holi Without Realising

By Somdutta Mazumder

Updated - May 9, 20243 min read

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Let us state it outright before we get accused of being preachy. Holi is a festival, it is not an excuse. The usual ethics that govern social behaviour, are as applicable on the day of the festival of colours, as any other day of the year. 


That being said, in the process of participating in the festivities of Holi and making merry with those close to us, our moral vision often tends to get blurry. After all, when the sentence "Bura Na Mano, Holi Hai" has been drilled into our head since we were mere younglings, masking unacceptable behaviour with the pretext of celebrations, is a deeply saddening, yet widely prevalent practice. Well, for those looking to mend their ways, we have something that might be of help to you. If your festival enthusiasm ends up fogging your conscience, keep an eye out for these 5 highly irresponsible Holi behaviours you might be engaging in, albeit without realising so yourself. 


By Wasting Buckets Of Water 

With every passing minute, multiple cities in India are inching closer towards their last drop of clean drinking water. And what are you doing? Throwing a bucket full of unsullied tap water from your balcony, just for the kick of it. Need we say something, here? 


Image Courtesy - Shield And Arrows


By Forcibly Putting Colours On People Who Don't Wish To Play Holi 

Did you assume that they were just teasing you, or amping up the challenge, when they said they don't wish to partake in playing with colours? If you did, we urge you to think again. 


Image Courtesy - The Print 


By Throwing Eggs And Filled Balloons At Unsuspecting Cars 

That poor family was just trying to make it home in time for a festival lunch. Now, because of your irresponsible, and frankly infuriating actions, they're left with a missed chance to spend time with their closed ones, as well as a stinky car covered in egg yolk. Yeah, not pleasant when you're at the receiving end. 


Image Courtesy - India 


By Not Respecting Personal Space 

Okay, we are going to say this once, and we are going to say this loud. Holi or no Holi, consent is still a valid concept. If you aggressively gang up on an innocent bystander and touch them without their consent, it still counts as inappropriate behaviour or harassment, and not festival fun. 


Image Courtesy - Campus Vibes 


By Being Aggressive Towards Stray Animals

Forcing your misplaced enthusiasm onto fellow human beings, is still understandable to a certain extent. Largely, because they have the ability to clean themselves up, express their anger or even drag you to court. But an innocent stray dog, simply minding his own business, is incapable of protesting when you choose to put harmful chemical colours on him, or attack him by incessantly spray water. Please, for all that's holy, leave the stray animals alone this Holi! 


Image Courtesy - DNA India 

It's never too late to mend your ways. Start now, start with Holi 2021!