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Your Coronavirus & COVID-19 Tracker (In Real Time)

By Somdutta Mazumder

Updated - May 9, 20245 min read

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As country after country declares strict containment measures, and people around the world go into self-quarantine, it’s impossible not to feel a frisson of worry, perhaps even panic about the virus that came out of nowhere and has ballooned into a global health crisis. Most of us are left wondering if we’re vulnerable, if the pandemic is closer than we think. But even as we wait for health and government officials to come up with solutions, there is one thing we all can do: stay informed. Our best shot at fighting the Coronavirus-created panic is staying updated with accurate information and consistent awareness.



So here’s what the situation looks like, according to the most recent ratified reports: 


According to numbers released by NDTV on March 19, 2020, the total number of confirmed active cases of COVID-19 in India is now 173. The total number of deaths in India is 4.  


According to the latest reports, the COVID-19 outbreak has confirmed cases in 176 countries and territories across the globe, as well as 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harboured in Yokohama, Japan)


Additionally, according to the John Hopkins COVID-19 Global Cases report (updated real-time): 

  • The total number of confirmed cases in the world is 2,22,642 (as of March 19, 2020) 

  • The top three affected countries are China (81,155), Italy (35,713) and Iran (18,407)

  • The total number of COVID-19 related deaths across the world is 9,115 (as of March 19, 2020)

  • Total number of people who have recovered from COVID-19 in the world is 84,506 (as of March 19, 2020). 


While the number of people infected by the virus might make it seem like there’s legitimate reason to panic, it’s important to remember that 80% of the reported cases show only mild symptoms. And the current mortality rate for the disease is between 3 to 4%, and likely to fall, according to WHO.


Even so, it’s important to heed the advice of health officials the world over and ensure that we all take adequate steps to ensure social distancing, and temporary isolation, to stop the spread of the virus. Restricting contact and mobility is not only in the interest of our own personal safety, but will ensure the health of the community as well. In other words, avoid crowds, physical contact, and travel, to the maximum possible extent. 


To curb the spread of the Coronavirus, countries all over the globe have imposed strict travel restrictions. Some of these include:



  • Suspension of all existing visas (except diplomatic, official, UN/International Organisations, employment, project visa) till April 15, 2020, with effect from March 13, 2020.

  • No International flights allowed to land in India for a week starting 22nd March
  • Passengers travelling from or having visited Italy, Republic of Korea, France, Spain or Germany after February 15, 2020 will be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days, starting from March 13, 2020. 

  • All incoming travellers have been advised to avoid non-essential travel, and warned against a possible 14-day quarantine.

  • International travel through land borders restricted with rigorous screening facilities.


United States

  • Travel from the UK and Ireland has been suspended.

  • Travel from 26 countries in the Schengen Area free movement zone has been banned (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland)

  • Passengers who have visited China or Iran in the last 14 days will not be allowed to enter the country. 

  • Strict health screenings for all international travellers from all countries. 



  • Passengers who have transited through, or visited China in the last 14 days are not allowed to enter or transit through Australia.

  • Passengers who have been in Iran, South Korea or Italy this month are not allowed to enter Australia for 14 days, starting from the time they exited those respective countries.



  • 14-day mandatory quarantine on all international arrivals in the Chinese capital.

  • International business travellers have to mandatorily stay at a few select designated hotels in Beijing, where they will undergo testing for the virus. They can only leave after their test results arrive with a confirmed negative. 

  • Countrywide, passengers coming from Iran, Italy, Japan or Korea and travelling to Beijing, Guangzhou or Shanghai, will be subject to quarantine for 14 days.


Saudi Arabia

Ban on the entry of passengers from 29 countries, including India. 



Visa on arrival stopped for 18 countries, including India. Visas need to be applied for in advance and supported by a valid medical certificate. 



In the wake of this global crisis, it's important to take care of yourself as well as others. While it's easy to engage in denial and think of yourself as an unlikely case, the truth is that the entire planet is currently highly susceptible to the disease, with some more than others. Do your bit, stay at home, and avoid social contact. If not for yourself, do it for the ones amongst those you love who might be immuno-compromised but just don't know it yet.