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5 Natural Immunity Boosting Hacks You Don't Know About

By Somdutta Mazumder

Updated - May 9, 20244 min read

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With the current global scenario in mind, tt's safe to say that the only thing standing between us and a raging pandemic right now, is our immune system. So, needless to say, one of the most effective preventive measures we can take against the COVID-19 outbreak, is working on strengthening our immune system so it's sufficiently prepared to ward off infections and fight against diseases.


There are about a million highly-recommended pills and capsules scattered all over the internet, that supposedly work wonders on our immune system. But when you have the option of achieving the same benefits with tried and tested all-natural remedies, why would you go the chemical way, at all? 


Here's a list of 5 such absolutely natural home remedies, that you probably haven't heard of, but that genuinely go a long way, in building your immunity: 


1. Kali Mirch With A Tablespoon Of Honey 


Why It Works

Black pepper consists of a compound called Piperine that is a natural antioxidant, brimming with beneficial anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, that together effectively cleanse the body of toxins and pollutants. 


Image Courtesy - VKool




2. Increase Your Red Bell Pepper Intake 


Why It Works

A lesser-known fact, red bell peppers are actually richer in Vitamin C than citrus fruits. Packed with nutrients, and super low on calories, red bell peppers can immensely help in enhancing your immunity and boosting your respiratory health. They also contain generous amounts of fibre, folate and iron. 


Image Courtesy - Pepper Scale




Also Read: 8 Products From Zanducare For Improved Immunity


3. Snack On Some Sunflower Seeds


Why It Works 

Sunflower seeds are packed with copious amounts of magnesium and copper, both of which tremendously help in the development and maintenance of healthy bones. It also contains Selenium, a mineral known for its cancer-fighting properties and ability to help the immune system control cell damage. Last but by no means the least, sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E, which is a potent anti-oxidant.


Image Courtesy - Snackible




4. Have A Sip Of Apple Cider Vinegar


Why It Works 

Not only does this beneficial potion aid in weight loss, but it also has antibacterial properties that help your immunity system in fighting bugs and infections. The fermented liquid contains good bacteria and prebiotics that help in detoxification, and fighting pathogens (like viruses). 


Image Courtesy - Medical News Today 




Also Read: 5 Effortless Things That Will Improve Your Immune System


5. Feast On Kiwis 


Why It Works

This nutrient-dense fruit boasts of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Folate and Potassium, all of which are known for their antioxidant properties. It's often recommended to those suffering from Asthma, which speaks volumes about its beneficial effects on the lungs and respiratory tract. Evidence also suggests that Kiwis can effectively protect you against cold or flu-like illnesses, which is exactly what we need right now! 


Image Courtesy - Snap Ed Connection



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