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#PreventCorona: Ensuring Safety While Accepting Home Delivery

By Somdutta Mazumder

Updated - May 9, 20243 min read

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If there's one thing you're going to be doing a lot more of in the upcoming days, it's staying confined to your house. And since basic needs don't cease to exist in the face of an emergency, it's safe to say that you're going to get some stuff home-delivered. 



While accepting home deliveries, it's important to take necessary preventive measures to ensure that both you, and the delivery executive walk away from this interaction healthy, and without being exposed to the virus. These are some things you should be mindful of: 


Image Courtesy - Geek Reply 


1. Transmission Through Interpersonal Contact Is Your Biggest Concern

So far, there is no evidence supporting the possibility of COVID-19 transmission through food packaging, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The bigger source of trouble is the possibility of transmission due to interpersonal contact, due to coughing, vapourised air particles or direct touch. As a response, a number of food delivery services are starting with no-contact deliveries and providing customers with the option to get their food left outside their house. 


2. Use Your Delivery Instructions

If you need to send a photo of the spot where the food has to be left or ask the executive to drop it in front of your door, make use of in-app messaging to provide them with instructions. 


3. Keep Your Hands And Face Clean

Wash your hands immediately before, and after accepting the delivery order. Do not touch your face after accepting the food and before you get a chance to wash your hands thoroughly. 



4. Be Careful About What You And Your Food Touch

Use your own trusted (and washed) utensils to have your meal, and throw out takeout containers as they could potentially have the virus on their surface. Disinfect tabletops, and other surfaces the containers come into contact with. 


5. Be Kind. 

To quelch some of your anxiety, you can research about the specific Coronavirus preventive measures being taken by your trusted food and grocery delivery companies. And above all, remember to be extra kind, patient, and generous with your delivery executives. You might have the privilege of staying indoors during a pandemic, they don't.