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Here's Why I'd Recommend Sanfe Menstrual Cup To All Women

By Somdutta Mazumder

Updated - May 9, 20247 min read

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That time of the month, a visit from Aunt Flo or just good ol' chumming, women have assigned a variety of code words and obscure nicknames all these years, to indicate one thing: menstruation. Even though we've shifted base to a whole new decade, India's relationship with periods continues to be just as uncomfortable, uneasy, and riddled with taboos. But period-shaming, as rampant and regressive as it is, has also isolated the women in our country from access to menstrual products that make this painful monthly time, a tad more tolerable. 


Let me cut right to the chase, I'm talking about menstrual cups. For the middle-class population in our nation, sanitary napkins have always been the go-to feminine hygiene product, along with some awareness but heavy reluctance towards the use of tampons. But those with a medium to highly heavy flow, are well-familiar with the inconvenience of changing pads frequently. Not to mention, when you go through 4-5 pads in one day, periods can become quite an expensive affair.



Now, here's a thought. Why not try a feminine hygiene product that is reusable, hassle-free and actually stays put without the need for replacement practically the entire day? Trust me, a couple of months back, and I would have joined you in your perplexity at the mention of a menstrual cup. "You mean a cup goes....up......there?!" But with the abrupt nation-wide lockdown, along with my unusually heavy flow of periods, procuring my choice of pads or settling for another variety became harrowing, to say the least. So, spurred on by circumstances and a couple of endorsing best friends, I decided to give Sanfe's menstrual cups a shot. And let me add, I'm glad I did. 


Image Courtesy - Sanfe


So, here's what happened.


  • The first time I got the silicon cup in my hand, I stared at it motionless, almost afraid it was going to jump at me. I read the instructions and safety assurances again and again, until I came to a final realisation. None of the doubts in my head would be quenched by words, I'd have to try it to find out for myself. So try I did. I followed the first instruction with considerable expertise, which basically just asks you to wash your hands, and rinse your cup under warm water. Well, that was easy, phew. 


  • Next up, the real deal. Putting the cup in, turned out to be a lot easier than I'd imagined. I'd expected there to be some struggle, but the cup was super soft and gentle, yet form-fitting, so unlike what I'd thought, the folding and insertion bit was virtually effortless, albeit an unusual experience. I'd also like to add that much to my pleasant surprise, it didn't hurt at all. It just felt slightly weird, but nothing major enough for me to be dissuaded from going through with it. 


  • So now that the most challenging bit was over, and also turned out to be nothing close to the scary prospect I'd built in my head, I felt a lot more confident. I checked the cup was in place the way the instruction manual asked me to, and all that was left was to test out whether the product delivers as promised. 


Image Courtesy - Sanfe


  • The first day, I felt paranoid about leakage, most of which can be attributed to the fact that a menstrual cup, was purely unchartered territory for me. So every time I went into the bathroom, I checked my pants, worried about the presence of a giant red stain. But some 7-8 checks and failure to find any leakage, dripping or signs of staining later, I guess I accepted that this might actually work! 


  • Went home, did the draining and cleaning bit. The cup goes in again. Another 10 hours pass, and I wake up with no stains on the bedsheet. And this is unusual, because even with an XL sanitary napkin, I'd come to expect an occasional crimson spot. But with the Sanfe menstrual cup, nada. 


  • At this point, I saw my faith rising. Sparing you the details of another 4 days, I'm just going to sum up how my periods that month were. First, convenient. I didn't have to excuse myself from any meetings because something felt damp. After the initial day or two that it took me to get used to the sensation, I found myself forgetting that there was anything up in my private parts, at all. Second, cheap. I didn't have to spend a lot of money stocking up on several packs of pads, because this one product was going to last me this menstrual cycle, and several more over the next 5 years. Yep, you read that right. Third, safe. I'd given tampons a shot in the past and much like in the case of Sanfe menstrual cup, read up on it before my first attempt. When I learnt about the dangers associated with tampons absorbing your menstrual blood, I was worried throughout the entire time I was using one. But Sanfe menstrual cup collects it instead of absorbing it, which makes the product a LOT safer. And last, relieving. No asking female friends to check for stains, no walking around with my hands behind me, and no sudden panic over leakage. Why didn't anybody tell me periods could be this hassle-free?! 


  • This month marks my second consecutive period of using my Sanfe menstrual cup. And all I can say is, ladies, if you haven't tried one yet, trust me when I say life will get easier. Okay, I can't guarantee about life, but that time of the month definitely will. 


Some more details, for the first-timers. One cup costs INR 425, and lasts 5 years. Guess you can finally start that savings account, huh? Secondly, the size of your cup depends on how heavy your flow is, and not the size of your, you know. And lastly, no, you cannot lose your virginity to a silicon cup. Only human beings get that kind of privilege. So from one paranoid woman to another, you can rest assured. 



Buy Sanfe Menstrual Cup @ INR 425 


Lastly, because the Sanfe Menstrual Cup exceeded my expectations so spectacularly, I also tried some of their other products. Not only do my periods come with a heavy flow, but my first two days are spent in absolute agony. But another brilliant Sanfe product that helped with my painful cramps was their Feminine Cramp Relief Roll On. Especially if you're anything like me, and like to steer clear of pills and medicines that could potentially have an adverse long-term impact, this one is a genuine life-saver. Best part? It smells awesome. 


Buy Sanfe Feminine Cramp Relief Roll On @ INR 199 


P.S. magicpin is offering some insane discounts and rewards for Sanfe products, which, I'm not going to lie, was an additional incentive. You can save up to 40-50% with magicpin Sanfe vouchers, making your periods much more affordable than what you're used to!


Click Here To Avail Massive Discounts & Exciting Rewards 

Get yourself a Sanfe menstrual cup, period. Heh.