Food & Beverages
Best Sports Bars in Bangalore to Watch the Champions trophy 2025 with Friends: February 2025
Sports bars to catch the best game nights in Bangalore! Check out these spots to enjoy Champions trophy 2025 fever with your buddies.
I could beat around the bush for several paragraphs, but I'd rather be straight up with you on this particular subject - life isn't easy. And we all know that. Commitments, obligations, responsibilities, these are heavy words with heavier connotations. Everywhere you look, there's a stressor waiting, ready to detonate and set your sanity ablaze. Add a global pandemic and several uncertain ordeals into this menacing mix, and you've arrived at mental breakdown territory.
In other, less anxiety-inducing words, taking care of your physical and mental well-being is absolutely crucial. That also explains why self-care has been one of the biggest buzz words of the year, its the key to sailing through these unpredictably tricky times. When life gets overwhelming and the future is as dicey as it is right now, the one thing you can do is take some time out for yourself. Not only does self-care help you stay physically and mentally healthy, but it also makes you better prepared to deal with whatever is to come.
But while self-care for women is mostly equated to imagery featuring a bubble bath, a face mask and a pedicure, self-care for men is a greyer territory. The concept might even seem alien, awkward or inherently feminine to some of you guys. Let me clarify that outright, there's nothing girly about giving yourself the care you deserve. It's something every human being regardless of sex or gender needs. So, with that out of the way, let's help you get into the zone of self-care. And for that, we've thoughtfully curated a complete guide to self-care for men!
The first step to making self-care a priority in your life, is recognising that you need to make space for it in your schedule. If you're working from home, try to establish a strict end-time, and line up half an hour of doing nothing immediately after. Or if your weekdays are packed, fix a specific day of the week meant only for you and the things you love. How about starting with a weekly planner to sort out your days? We love this motivating weekly plan of action slate by Ferns n Petals!
Image Courtesy: Ferns n Petals
First of all, taking care of your self translates to feeling good both physically and mentally. Good hygiene and periodic grooming certainly fall under that umbrella. Also, very few things in the world are as potent in curing life's ailments, as a long, relaxing shower. So when your day is especially loaded, and you're in need of but short on time for self-care, just hop into a hot bath or shower, lather on some wonderful products and feel your muscles unwind!
Product Recommendations
Black Pepper & Bergamot Body Wash From The Man Company 200 ml @ INR 499
Image Courtesy: Freepik
Whether it stems from all the pollution outside, or as a result of high-stress levels, our modern fast-paced lives have adversely impacted our skin in some way or another. An effective skincare regime is absolutely crucial for everybody to look and feel their best. So when you want to carve out some me-time from your daily routine, pampering your skin will both de-stress you instantly, and benefit you in the long run. If this is unchartered territory, you can start small with a few basic products and a calming skincare session that works for you!
Product Recommendations
Vitamin C Face Wash With Turmeric & Moringa From The Man Company 100 ml @ INR 349
Charcoal Face Scrub With Lemongrass & Eucalyptus From The Man Company 100 gm @ INR 279
Vitamin C Face Serum With Hyaluronic Acid 30 ml @ INR 399
Image Courtesy: Freepik
You know what they say, you gotta nourish to flourish! This is especially important right now considering what the countless hours at home and subsequent binge-eating have done to our bodies. One way to practice self-care is to fix yourself a nutritious snack and spend time eating it mindfully. Another widely known instant hack to feel-good hormones is exercise. So, the next time you feel overtaxed by work, put on your running shoes, plug in your headphones, and go for a run around the block. You can also enhance the process by including natural health-supplements in your everyday diet, like these ones from Aadar!
Product Recommendations
Immunity Pro Capsules With Ashwagandha, Amla & Giloy From Aadar 60 Capsules @ INR 350
Weight No More Capsules With Garcinia, Triphala & Methi From Aadar 120 Capsules @ INR 699
Taking good, regular care of your hair is just as important as any other part of your body. After all, the amount of pollution, dirt and chemicals your hair is subjected to on a regular basis is excessive! Hair damage and loss can also put a serious damper on your confidence levels, so tending to it right now is imperative. Invest some time every week into a slightly elaborate haircare ritual with the help of products that condition, and revive the health of your locks. Also, your mom was right, oiling your hair periodically can make all the difference!
Product Recommendations
Onion Seed Hair Oil From The Man Company 100 ml @ INR 399
Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo From The Man Company 200 ml @ INR 499
Image Courtesy: Reviewtiful
While we are on the subject of hair, skipping out on your facial hair is a complete no-no. A well-groomed and looked after beard and moustache can make a tremendous difference to your appearance, which in turn ties in with how you feel about yourself. Especially if you sport a beard you're immensely proud of, or would like to in the near future, periodic application of high-quality beard care products like oil, creme and cleansing wash can be the step you're missing out on. To start with a routine that suits you, this is a helpful guide to grooming for men that you can refer to.
Product Recommendations
Almond & Thyme Beard Wash From The Man Company 100 ml @ INR 350
Argan & Geranium Beard Oil From The Man Company 30 ml @ INR 350
Argan & Mint Beard Creme From The Man Company 50 gm @ INR 349
Image Courtesy: Freepik
All of us need a breather every now and then. A big part of practising self-care is recognising that need and allowing yourself some time-off. You don't necessarily need to take a day off from work and disappear, even an hour of quiet and peace in the middle of a busy work-day can do wonders for your mental health. Spend the hour engaging in a soothing activity like meditation, yoga, reading or cuddling with a pet. If you're a novice at meditation, the Mindhouse app is perfect to hone your skills with!
Image Courtesy: Freepik
I don't mean to generalise, but in most cases, men tend to express themselves less often and less intensely than women. We all need an emotional outlet, and catharsis is a very important part of healing. When you don't give yourself the adequate space for self-expression, the likelihood of eventual frustration and emotional outbursts increases tenfold. Make sure you give yourself that space and time. You can talk to a trusted friend, or take up a creative activity like journaling, doodling or writing. Trust us, you'll feel lighter and better equipped to deal with your problems immediately after!
Countless studies have proven what we pretty much knew all along, spending time in nature can lower stress levels, enhance your happiness, improve mood and increase mindfulness. So, as a quick hack to quality self-care, make it a point to sneak in some nature time on a regular basis. Go for a long evening walk, or hope on a bicycle in the morning, but try to spend some time around nature and greenery.
Image Courtesy: Freepik
As human beings the closest thing we have to a reset button is sleep. Seriously, there's a reason the phrase "sleep on it" exists, restful slumber can make almost all problems seem much easier to deal with in the morning. Quality self-care is incomplete without giving your body the rest it needs to run through the day. A proper sleeping schedule with adequate snooze time is absolutely critical to staying in your best mental and physical shape. If your sleep cycle is messed up right now, rectify it as soon as you can. Here's a guide that might help. If you have troubles with light or inconsistent sleep, adding a few supplementary tools like melatonin capsules will help considerably.
Product Recommendations
NOW Foods Melatonin 3mg Capsule From 1mg 60 Capsules @ INR 615
Always remember, you are worth whatever time you need for yourself!