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Everything You Need To Know About Coronavirus & COVID-19

By Trishi Dhingra

Updated - May 9, 20245 min read

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The recent pandemic, caused by a large family of viruses called Coronavirus, has triggered panic around the world. COVID-19, a disease caused by a coronavirus, has claimed 5,833 lives and left 1,56,400 infected, according to a World Health Organisation (WHO) report on March 15, 2020. 


That might seem like a lot, but the truth is that even though the virus is spreading rapidly, the crude mortality rate for COVID-19 is between 3 to 4%, according to the WHO. So even though it’s natural to worry, it’s important to keep sight of the facts, resist the urge to panic or spread panic. Instead, we need to fight this crisis with facts, composure, and knowledge. 



Here’s everything you need to know about the disease and the virus that causes it, so you don’t fall prey to conspiracy theories, myths, and rumours.


What Is COVID-19

COVID-19 is a contagious disease caused by a large family of viruses called coronavirus. As a result, the infected individual suffers from respiratory illness, fever, cough and even pneumonia, and kidney failure in extreme cases. 


Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms are fever, dry coughing, tiredness and shortness of breath for 2-14 days. The symptoms are usually mild at first and begin gradually. The symptoms can be particularly alarming for old people, or a person who has multiple health problems since their immunity system is already compromised. 

The recovery rate is 80% which is good news, provided you take good care and follow all the necessary precautions.


Note: These symptoms might not appear at the same time or seem important due to our very urban lifestyle



Protocol For Detection

Since these symptoms coincide with common flu it becomes difficult to detect the real problem on your own. My advice; If you are dealing with cold, cough, shortness of breath or even tiredness, seek medical care immediately, and don’t evade screening or quarantine.


Visit a Government hospital near you and get yourselves checked today. The rest will depend on the doctor's advice. Follow everything that your doctor recommends to keep yourself and everyone around you safe from coronavirus.


If Detected Positive

Don't panic. You will be admitted to an isolated facility or quarantine and treated with appropriate medication.

There is no specific protocol which is being followed as every patient has their own medical history and reaction to a specific medication. Antibiotics are given to prevent any other bacterial infection that might affect the existing condition. Government is treating everyone free of cost since it's an issue of immediate action.

Since there is no said vaccine or antibiotic that cures COVID-19 but our researchers are working day and night to find a near about remedy for the same.



Precautions are always better than cure, and in the case of COVID-19, the statement has certainly proved itself to be true multiple times over. Taking basic precautions can safeguard your own health as well as the health of those around you. 


1. Frequently clean your hands. Use soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. 


2. Cough and sneeze by covering your mouth with a flexed elbow or use a tissue. Remember to throw away the tissue at once in a closed bin.


3. Maintain a distance of at least one metre from any person you see coughing or sneezing. 


4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth after coming into contact with objects susceptible to contamination like stair handles, laptops in the office, etc. Use a sanitizer frequently.


5. Follow good respiratory hygiene and persuade people around you to do the same.


6. Stay home if you feel even a little unwell. Take all precautionary measures.


7. Avoid eating outside, especially from places that lack good sanitation and hygiene infrastructure.


8. Wash your vegetables, meats, and other items thoroughly before cooking. Boil them well to avoid any kind of transmission.


9. Avoid travelling as much as possible. Work from home, connect via call or video chats. 


10. Some people may become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. If you display any major or minor symptoms, do seek immediate medical help. 



Stay educated, stay safe.

(Source of Information: